Corinne Geertsen's images are quirky visual narratives about psychological predicaments. They pull a lot of subconscious strings. The pictures are photo composites, printed with archival ink on archival photo paper in small editions. She works from my expanding library of over 20,000 images. Often she will paint something, photograph it and add it in digitally.
The pictures lean toward surrealism, as they have odd juxtapositions, non sequiturs, and an element of surprise. Geertsen's intent is to psychologically engage and delight. She sees a lot of humor and psychology in the nature of life and both inform her pictures.
The characters are usually Geertsen's family ancestors. "I'm on a constant photographic scavenger hunt, outfitting them with backdrops, sidekicks and belongings" she says. She gravitates towards pictorial elements that are symbolically loaded. Symbolism brings in associations particular to the psychology of the person viewing the picture. The pictures are completed when seen.
Solo Shows
- Phillips Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018
- The Footnote Chronicles, Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum, Mesa AZ, 2016
- History: What Happens When You're Not Looking, Tempe History Museum, Tempe AZ, 2016
- Phillips Gallery, Salt Lake City, UT, 2015
- Beyond Memory, Springville Museum of Art, Springville UT, 2014
- Kimball Art Center, Park City UT, Freudian Trip, June 2 to July 22, 2012
- Appaloosa Library, Scottsdale AZ, May 3-Sept. 5, 2012
- Scottsdale Public Arts, Scottsdale AZ, Feb. 2 to May 1, 2012
- Vision Gallery, Chandler AZ, Nov. 18, 2011 to Jan. 28, 2012
- After Hours Gallery, Phoenix AZ, Nov. 4 - 30, 2011
- Cathedral Center for the Arts, Phoenix AZ, Nov. 30, 2010 to Jan. 4, 2011
- Mesa Arts Center, Mesa AZ, November 5, 2010 to February 20, 2011
- @Central Gallery, Burton Barr Central Library, Phoenix AZ, Nov. to Jan. 2009-10
- Arizona State University / B-K Medical, Herlev, Denmark
- Brigham Young University, L. Tom Perry Special Collections
- Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum
- City of Phoenix / City of Tempe
- Mesa Arts Center / Mesa Community College / Scottsdale Public Arts